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Greetings Ralls Jackrabbits and Jackrabbit Community! My name is Ms. Christy Wilmeth and I am excited to be at Ralls ISD this year! My office is located at Ralls High School. All students throughout the district are served through this counseling service so please reach out with any questions through my email or call to the Ralls High School Office. Office hours are from 7:30 A.M. - 4:15 Monday through Friday. The Counselor office is closed on weekends. 
A student or parent that wishes to meet with a counselor can contact either the building administrator or Ms. Wilmeth directly. 

All inquiries and counseling services are confidential.


  • A student's right to privacy and confidentiality is the basis for an effective counseling relationship. Confidentiality ensures that school counselors won't share students' disclosures with others except when the student and/or parent/guardian authorizes it or when there is a clear and present danger to the student and/or to other persons. 

    Parents and guardians can contact their campus counselor directly for more information regarding counseling services and/or to inquire about specific services for their student. 


Christy Wilmeth M.S., LPC
District Counselor
Ralls I.S.D.
1106 10th St,
Ralls, Texas 79357
Phone: (806) 253-2571 ext. 3115
Fax: (806) 253-2508
Email: [email protected]